Saturday 29 December 2018

Day 1 of the Adventure

Today is the start of my adventure.

It's not called a journey because I don't have an end goal (yet). I hope to discover what I want to do, even though the obvious choice now is to revive and grow Auntie Ariel.

The above screenshot is taken from the movie Up. I hope I have a daring adventure like Carl, but I don't want to be walking with my crutches when I do that. Opportunities don't come easily, and not everyone is as lucky as me. I may have my husband's blessing to do this but I definitely don't want to waste my time away.

When everyone goes on leave, the first thing you would do is probably to sleep in. And then go travel, or do all the things you've always wanted to like going for high tea, pamper yourself with a spa, or simply sit infront of the tv all day. If you have to take a block leave (a continuous 5 or 10 days of leave with no contact with work) and you don't intend to travel, it's easy to just sleep and be a potato couch during the entire time.

Well you can do that because you'd think you're recharging yourself for the arduous journey ahead when you gotta go back to work. It's justifiable. And that is precisely what I'm afraid I will sink into doing when I leave my job.

So when I've decided to hand in my letter, I promise myself (and my husband) this - I will have a timetable to discipline what I do everyday and make sure I accomplish one big and one small achievement by the end of the day. I am an adult, but I am going to discipline myself like a child. I have seen how I am capable of wasting 6 hours with Netflix and it's continuous play function, or spend hours trying to complete 3 stars in Overcooked (a very addictive playstation game).

And writing is one thing I'm going to do once more. I think a lot, observe a lot and talk to myself alot. So all those thoughts are going to come here, the good old trusty blogspot.

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