Sunday 30 December 2018

Time for reflection

My 2018 was definitely more exciting than any other years as I cross into the married zone. As my boss says, I'm now officially an Auntie. *rolls eyes* Hence justifying the brand Auntie Ariel. *rolls eyes again*

I still have to get used to married life, taking care of a big (adult) baby, learning to cook and do my own chores. But all that doesn't scare me. Just like a newborn learning to walk, this is just another part of life that I'm moving into.

2018 also taught me how to persevere to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Learning to deal with all sorts of people in the work space was definitely the biggest challenge in my career in the last 12 months. The backstabbing was painful. The pretentious concerns was vomit-inducing. The unappreciative (or lack of) appreciation was disappointing. All in all, I come out of it stronger and fiercer.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Going through major changes in my life open my eyes to the true friends I have around me. Over the years we may have gotten into arguments, hated each other due to misunderstandings, etc. At the end of the day, these people who stood by me through it all are the truest friends of all.

May people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Cheers to the year that has passed, and the year that is to come!

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